Friday, March 26, 2010

Dr. Kjar's Lecture: "Evolution: Order and Chaos"

Dr. Kjar's lecture: "Evolution: Order and Chaos" gave a very interesting scientific point of view in regards to creation myths. At first the creation mythologies that we have all grown up believing
seem to be a very accurate and we believe this to be a fact. After attending Dr. Kjar's lecture I find myself very skeptical as to what, if any, creation myths that are fact. Dr. Kjar gave lots of support for sciences perspective on how humans and life on Earth has evolved over time and how this change is not random. I was surprised to learn the differences of truth and fact, meaning that a truth is something you know (i.e. I ate breakfast this morning) and a fact is something that can be measured, (that ruler is one foot long). This surprised me because I thought that truths and facts went hand in hand as facts were the truth and truth were the facts. After listening to Dr. Kjar I now understand the difference. What I found to be most interesting was the notion that Natural Selection is the "fun" section of science as Natural Selection has led to the development of many new sciences. I thought the lecture gave a good bridge of understanding in protraying a very logical scientific perspective on the notions of creation that we have been studying in class. I also noted that like Galileo, Darwin went against years of academia teaching when formulating his ideas on science, just like Galileo did with astronomy. I thought Dr. Kjar's lecture made clear a very disticnt point that evolution isn't a theory, but is a provable scientific fact.
Picture accessed: March 26, 2010

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with the views that Dr. Kajar expressed within his lecture. Being that I went to a Catholic High school the ideals of creatism was shoved down my through and i commend Dr.Kajar for showing everyone the misconceptions that are associated with the Evolution theory.
