Thursday, April 8, 2010

Professor Jacobson's Lecture

I thought Professor Jacobson's lecture on Dynamic systems and Chaos Theory was quite interesting. The most surprising thing to learn about chaos theory is the fact that it may be the bridge between quantum mechanics, and the Theory of Relativity. Understanding that the world is made up of the tiniest molecules and understanding how matter is created has always been facinating to me and getting a different perspective about how the worlds many different facets of chaos can really be a mixed up perfect order. I beleive that I learned alot about how a small change can make a big difference when Professor Jacobson was explaining the difference between simple systems and dynamic systems. As a Calvalry Scout in the US Army, I know quite well how this truth works out. I must rely on my ability to use a compass and being off by just one degree can change my destination by miles. I beleive that this lecture ties into our theme of Order and Chaos, by demonstrating how unique is our ability to make order out of chaos, and that perspective's can be very broad in their logic, i.e chaos is order, but I beleive the person who can get there head completely around this idea has a very good outlook on reality.
Image Accesed: April 8, 2010

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