Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Put A Ring On It!?!

Dr. Jesse Kabwila Kapasula's lecture "Feminist Agency in the Age of Beyonce's 'Single Ladies': Faces of International Feminism in Transanational Popular Songs," was a very interesting lecture. It was compromised of a well thought out, if not a little extreme, idea that the underlying problems of marriage is not something that feminist or those who views are that of a diverse ideal of the word Woman, should be promoting and that songs that glorify the opposite of this ideal 'Woman,' set the womans movement back decades as these images and ideas are glorifyed and mass produced due to the popularity of transnational popular songs. Such is the case of Beyonce's Single Ladies, as put forth by Dr. Kapasula. The most interesting point that the lecturer brings up is the idea the feminist agency is really just trying to act in a way that transforms you, but from a women's perpesctive. The notions and sexuality of the music video and the lyrics of the song are completely and utterly infuriating, according to Kapasula. She speaks about the persona, and what the persona is saying, what is the spirit within us all and what are we trying to attain for ourselves. For Kapasula, a Malawian from the continent of Africa, her persona is trying to get people to re-think Feminism, Internationalism and Heteromatic thinking (thinking in terms of man and woman exclusively). Her ideas are not so extreme that they seem radical, on the contrary, her lecture opened many eyes as to how other cultures view the popular music, both video and lyrical, of America and it is inspiring to see not just a normal 'run of the mill' sorta cop-out that everything American is good. This ties into our theme of Order and Chaos, because is sorta throws a wrench into the ignorance that we as Americans embrace, which is that sometimes what is meant to be sex symbolism and increased sales can undo years of freedom fighting and set the womans movement towards equality back a few steps. I see some similarities of Kapasula to those of Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto. Namely, Kapasula's Gift Narrative, and the analogy of the magician who loses control of his unearthly powers and how those powers turn back on their owner. I say this because, to those who are giving many good sentiments are being fulfilled by the giver but the best intentions might have the most horrific consequences. From Kapasula's point of view, giving is only suficing the needs of the giver not the givee, and by such, is demoralizing and only worsening the situation. As Kapasula said, it is the responisbility of the wealthy nations to help the poor nations out of poverty not place them under bondage; as many gifts come with politcal agendas and media propaganda. I feel the Kapasula's lecture was not only mind opening but raw and to the point, it was a little hard to understand since I don't have a complete understanding of what exactly Agencies definition could be but I adhere to the definitions set forth by the lecture and agree: What is this ring? What is meant by put a ring on it? Beyonce's video may be "hot" but because of this lecture I am sure, some girls, don't want that ring anymore!!

Accesed on :March 10, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis. I am glad you also included her description of the Gift Narrative, which might help guide us in our future charitable giving.
