Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Mighty, Angry, God

The psychology of God... In the story of Job God is depicted as an angry, sarcastic diety. However, the indigination that God is feeling can be put plainly into one word: Humbleness. Humbleness for Job, not humbleness for the All Mighty. The perfect metaphor to describe the anger that God is feeling can be easily seen from the point of view of a parent who has told his or her child no to a piece of candy, and that child responds with why not, haven't I been good, your punishing me for no reason. It is not that the parent is necesserily punishing their child, it's just that the parent has made a descision about the candy and the parent shouldn't have to explain themselves, especially to a child. Imagine the anger a parent feels when a child is argumentative. There may be a good correlation between the anger God feels and the anger a parent feels. The psychology of God is that he has always been a father, Job was just a child questioning his father on a descision that was only God's to make.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting idea of humbling which in some cases there needs to be more of. As having to deal with children for a living it does tend to come down to "it is because I say it is" kind of matter, yet sometimes all that is needed is a different wording of the reason. Although Job took what the Lord said and understood it to a point of humbling, for some readers it seems like God is just making a man bow before the boot.
